Hello and welcome! I'm a Marriage and Family Therapist bringing the creativity and mindfulness of Zentangle to your journey towards wellness and wellbeing.
My personal journey with Zentangle probably started when I was in elementary school and didn't even realize it. While in class, on the phone, or anywhere that I needed a single point of focus, I found myself doodling on a piece of scrap paper nearby. Not a picture per se, but lines and squiggles--anything to keep my focus present.
Research nowadays feels so validating as studies have shown that drawing simple, structured patterns actually helps the brain remain active compared to the strain of paying single-minded, continuous attention.
Ten years ago or so when Youtube and Pinterest were beginning to take traction, I came upon Zentangle. I definitely had the attitude of "but I'm not an artist" and dismissed it as a more serious practice until COVID hit. I learned quickly these simple patterns actually helped keep my focus-- with all my Zoom meetings and changes life brought.
Unexpectedly, these few minutes a day tangling also made me feel more calm, helped me feel grounded in the new and old stresses of life, and lifted the heaviness during those challenges. Also, I was also creating something beautiful! I thought, "Who...me? Create something beautiful with simple lines? Actually appreciate my drawings? Feel better?" ... I knew this was for me.
I also notice some other effects of my Zentangle practice: My inner critic has softened while embracing the 'no mistakes' philosophy. With each 'mistake' on my tile, I use them as opportunities to create a new direction that I wasn't expecting. I also feel more present as I practice 'one stroke at a time' while starting and ending each piece with gratitude and appreciation. All of these little observations while drawing can also be applied to my everyday life. I noticed I'm more forgiving of myself when I make a mistake like snapping at my husband or kids. If something unplanned happens in my day, I'm more aware of my reaction and able to 'pivot' in a new direction. Unwanted or mundane tasks can be approached with more ease as I 'just begin, one step at a time.' I've also been able to see the effects of a regular gratitude practice and how that changes my experience with stress.
These ways and more can help apply what we do on the Zentangle tile to our everyday lives. What I've lovingly started to call "tile teachings" include how we react and respond to stressors, coping with 'mistakes' as 'opportunities', a strong gratitude practice, and being aware of how our internal dialogue shapes our daily experience and relationships.
I became a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) in November 2020 making it my mission to share this beautiful form of mindfulness with others to help you on your journey towards wellness and wellbeing while creating something beautiful!
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